Data Collection, Analysis and Reporting

On this page you will find information regarding data collection conducted for external and internal reporting at Monroe County 社区 College. If you have any questions regarding these surveys and reports, please contact:

Quri Wygonik
Director of Institutional Research, Planning and Accreditation
A-161(奥黛丽·M .. Warrick Student 服务/Administration Building)
办公室: (734) 384-4237



2022 爱浦多报告

Perkins V Core Performance Indicator Reports

2022 Reporting Year -1P1 Postsecondary Retention or Transfer and Placement
2022 Reporting Year -2P1 Postsecondary Credential
2022 Reporting Year -3P1 Nontraditional Program Concentration


MCCC no longer participates in the 的浓度


The IR office now reports student profile data via the Student Demographics Dashboard


HLC Student Survey Results 2023
HLC Student Survey Results 2019

CCSSE (社区 College Survey of Student Engagement)

社区 College Survey of Student Engagement- 2023 Mental Health and Well-Being
社区 College Survey of Student Engagement - 2023 Key Findings
社区 College Survey of Student Engagement - 2023 Frequency Distributions
社区 College Survey of Student Engagement - 2021 Key Findings
社区 College Survey of Student Engagement - 2021 Frequency Distributions
社区 College Survey of Student Engagement - 2019 Key Findings
社区 College Survey of Student Engagement - 2019 Frequency Distributions

Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges (RISC) 

Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges (RISC) Report Fall 2022
Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges (RISC) Report Fall 2022 Custom Items
Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges (RISC) Report Fall 2020
Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges (RISC) Report Fall 2020 Custom Items
Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges (RISC) Report Fall 2018
Revealing Institutional Strengths and Challenges (RISC) Report Fall 2018 Custom Items

Student Financial Wellness Survey

2022 Student Financial Wellness Survey Report
2022 Student Financial Wellness Survey Infographic
2020 Student Financial Wellness Survey Report
2020 Student Financial Wellness Survey Infographic

Writing Center Student Survey

FL2021 Writing Center Student Survey
WI2022 Writing Center Student Survey
FL2022 Writing Center Student Survey
WI2023 Writing Center Student Survey
FL2021-WI2023 Writing Center Student Survey Comparative Tables


2023 MCCC 毕业生跟进调查 7.27.23工资表
2022-2023 毕业生跟进调查 Report




2023 MCCC Transfer Student Questionnaire 2-Year
2023 MCCC Transfer Student Questionnaire 4-Year


Student Modality Choice Survey 2022
DEI Task Force Student Safe Space Survey 2021
惠特曼中心 Needs Assessment Survey 2020